Ask Uncle Larry – VCB

Ask Larry something, in the VCB box below, with very little chance of a reply….just kiddin’ class!

1,007 thoughts on “Ask Uncle Larry – VCB

  1. Hey Tom. Just wanted to say what an amazing time my girlfriend and I had at Saturday’s 3rd and Lindsley show. We flew down from Toronto. It was one of the best nights of music and musicianship that I’ve ever experienced, and that’s saying something. In fact, my girlfriend, who’s not as much of a music nerd as I am, had a very emotional response to the show. That speaks to the quality of the music, the vibes of the evening and the love coming off that stage and in that room. Big thanks to you and Guthrie and all the crew who made it happen.

  2. To the honorable Uncle Larry – how do you feel about Strymon discontinuing the Brigadier? Do you have thoughts on the downgraded “Brig” that they are keeping in the rotation in its place? I have 3 Brigadiers, 2 I am basically keeping hoping for ORD-1 level inflation to hit them…your praise of certain pedals has a bit of a golden touch in that regard 😉

  3. Hey Uncle Larry! Hope you’re doing well. Did you see Keith Urban’s interview on Rick Beato’s channel? He did a great impression of you from 34:32 on…

  4. Restrained by guilt, doubt, fear, and concern. Is it ok to pursue guitar / art as a career? What benefits does it provide society and the world? Is it just a reach for adulation and self gratification? Why should someone pursue it when there are so many other players / artists with more skill doing similar pieces? Tortured and torn, both of which seem to be colors on many artist’s palettes.

    • if your self esteem is indeed THAT low, this may not be the business for you mate.

      maybe consider something in the volunteer field…helping animals or kids

  5. Hey Tom,

    Really loving Homeskoolin’, can’t believe I didn’t know about it before now but it’s so inspiring! Already up to Volume 60.

    Really interesting hearing you talk about early Genesis. My godfather is Anthony Phillips who has been such a massive influence on my guitar playing as well as life! Just wanted to suggest his album The Geese & the Ghost if you haven’t heard it before? Thanks for all you do!

  6. Good morning Tom, just a question about frets….do you prefer original frets or steel frets…..what are your thoughts about stainless steel frets…..ever tried them ?
    thx for a reply

    • Hi Tom,
      I live up here in the Cleveland area. Wanted to asked if the bar your Mom owned was on Vine Street in Willowick in that little shopping plaza with the Rudy’s butcher shop and work uniform place is? The bar that’s there now is called the Rumpus Room.

  7. Hey Larry! When I saw you selling the custom, I heard the comment on a Tele you were after and I Knew, which one it was. I saw it and wanted it and when it disappeared, I just had the feeling you grabbed it. Congrats, that is one smoking tele and you will do it better justice than I ever could. The only Solice is I have a 1963 Esquire just like it. A real Barker. The first Strat I ever bought was a 1963 sunburst in similar condition in Myrtle Beach SC in 1974 for $150. I yearn for those days my friend. Take care and looking forward to seeing what you do with that Tele!

  8. Hi Uncle Larry. Hope you are doing well. I have a question about your playing with Oz Noy video. which is i could not figure out exactly the Chord Progression on that video part (1.00.50).as far as i figure out that it goes from GMIN TO D7 are there other chords after those? and it goes to CMAJ TO BbMAJ. I feel like i am missiıng 1 or 2 chords. Do you mind if you could clarify? Thanks in advance. have a great day.

  9. Hey uncle Larry ! Love you man

    Question, do you have any experience with les Paul Jr’s from the 80’s ? Have a trade offer for one, has the tune o magic bridge as opposed to the wrap around….. are the 80’s dog shit ?

  10. Two parter: first, best guitar solo on a Steely Dan tune? Second, if you’d been born a generation earlier and gotten the call from Don and Walt, on which tune would you most want to lay a track?

    • rick derringer on chain lightning off katy lied is the best SD solo of alltime…followed closely by dean parks on “haitian divorce”

      the most amazing mind-blowing part and sound is elliott randall on “reelin'”

  11. Hello Tom! I just wanted to check with you through the VCB to be absolutely certain that it was indeed you that commented on my YouTube demos of Van Halen licks and my savaging of a VH tribute guitarist. I’m a big boy and can take criticism, so I’m grateful that you cared enough to comment, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t being catfished by a fake account and Artificial Intelligence generated text. The people on the Under the Bus Network show are known to have created fake accounts to harass people regularly in the past, and I know you’ve had problems with internet scammers in the past as well which is what led me to reach out.

    I sincerely thank you for all that you do and I thank you for your attention!

  12. Hey Tom,
    On one of your videos recently you mentioned that you had a tweed amp that will go ahooooga after it’s been turned on for a while. I had one of those. A good amp tech told me it’s probably a cracked resistor somewhere in the circuitry. Good luck! By the way, I have an actual uncle named Larry. He was my favorite uncle when I was a kid. Bought me my first beer, took me fishing when nobody else would.
    Stan Welsh

  13. Hi, my name is Wick, I would love to build your guitar. I don’t need anything out of it. I don’t need you to mention my name. I would love to put an instrument in your hands that sounds great. I’ve made some good guitars and basses for some really special people. I love to make one for you. So if you’re interested, let me know what you want and I will make it for you. And if you don’t like it, you can send it back and I’ll make another one or you can make it a giant coaster. …Or I can put an attachment on it so you can plunge your toilets with it.
    PS I’ve sent this to three different emails so sorry if you got a repetitive thing going on. I just couldn’t understand you in your video.

    • hey bud, i appreciate it…truly…i’m good….once you get used to playing a 57 goldtop and a 58 burst there is really no point in looking any further. i sincerely appreciate your offer though

  14. hey there uncle Larry, I want to pass a big ‘thank you’ your way! I used to be an obsessed guitar player in my youth way over in the old country, but moved over to Canada in my early twenties, met a lovely lady, got married, had to kiddos, worked hard and in the middle of it all lost touch with the geeetaar. I’m 45 years old now and you’ve re-ignited something that was lost for a long time. My question to you is: how do you break away from just noodling like one would at 17 and actually dive into new things and open up new pandoras boxes?

    I really appreciate all you do, your perspective and insight! All the best!

  15. Hi Uncle Larry, would you share one quick tip for how you would approach jazz standards when you are in the mood as a non-strict jazz player? I feel like your insight would help these lazy intermediate guitarists like me have some little fun before being traumatized by many difficult things… Thanks always!

  16. Uncle Larry: Not sure if this question has come up in the VCB. What is your take on acoustic guitars? General care-hummidifying them, and or your preferences. Older strings always sounds better IMHO. Is there an advantage to “drier” sounding flattops on sessions? Old Gibsons have this distinct dry sound to my ears, and that’s a good thing.


    Brent H

  17. Hey Uncle Larry, I just watched Volume 328, and was very happy to hear you talking about your rehearsal today, and the upcoming shows with Vince Gill. I am fired up, and can’t wait to see you, Jedd, Vince and everyone perform. I’m going to the Thursday night show. I haven’t been in Nashville in over 20 years! I plan on visiting Gruhn’s and seeing some local bands on Friday night, too. Thanks for all you do!

  18. Tom, please listen to “Never” or “New Machine” off of Chris Whitley’s Din of Ecstasy album! You will be changed!

  19. Must feel great to know the shows are sold out. Headlining seems to suit you. What’s next a residency in Vegas?

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