Ask Larry something, in the VCB box below, with very little chance of a reply….just kiddin’ class!
1,022 thoughts on “Ask Uncle Larry – VCB”
Awesome stuff Uncle Larry!
In one of your videos you had a short discussion about modelers. In this you mentioned something along the lines that for beginners it does not matter. The amp is to amplify the guitar and that is it. You came with the pool stick example. You have a real talent for explaining things in simple terms.
The question: does the same apply for guitars? A basic Mexican made fender versus a custom shop Fender for example? What’s “enough” for that beginner / late beginner?
Hi Tom, why do you like your pickups set so low, as I could see on your LPs and Strats….but it seems not so much at yout Teles and especially not with the P90s you show up in your videos. What´s the advantage of setting them low ? Thx for a reply.
By the way…. keep on ….your “lessons” are just hilariuos and helpful at the same time. Take care Dirk
Hey Tom, Just wanted to let you know how much your advice on not squeezing the s**t out of the neck etc. and playing with freedom has made to me. I think I was so intent not making mistakes (especially if the part was technically a bit beyond my level – most of them are to be honest) that I didn’t realise just how hard I was pressing. It’s only obvious when someone actually points these things out. The difference is night and day now – thanks mate, you are doing a proper job with your channel. Full marks !!!
Such a wonderful journey of great tone and music you are blessing us, I am forever grateful, I have become a bit of a plexiholic myself after following you for many years,
Do you use attenuators while playing your plexis at home, if so which one do you prefer for transparent tone?
Wishing you, your family and loved ones a happy new year and good health.
Before another year goes by, always been meaning to ask you:
Your good friend Ebo – Is that Eric Borash? Great guitar player from central Minnesota?
Worked at The Bridge of Harmony music store in Brainerd & St. Cloud? Think he used to play with a local band called “Dakota”. I haven’t seen him since the 90’s – Music store owner said he left town to change strings for John Fogerty. Anyway, happy new year to you & your family!!!
i am not much of a comment or response type, but this “voyxu” guy got under my skin.
he’s clearly a troll, a bully, and, let’s put it bluntly, just a fucking cunt.
insulting people is easy, cherry-picking bits and pieces out of someone’s video is easy, providing thoughtful and entertaining content is not.
jason isbell’s story of playing “red eye” and getting lost on his way home is one of my favourite vintage guitar tales ever. because i get it. those of us who have been lucky enough to connect with an instrument that truly engages us will understand. There have been a few times where i have simply wrapped my hand around the neck of a guitar, and it’s like “ohhhhhh, right!” y’know?
it’s probably impossible to quantify, but when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, something happens. (i.e. your burst, or jason’s, or your duesenberg, or a blackface deluxe, or whatever…)
sadly, unknowledgeable trolls like “voyxu” are as plentiful as cheap chinese copies at a guitar centre fire sale.
A question for a Firebird lover. Do you change the orientation of the volume and tone controls on your vintage Firebirds to be like that of a Les Paul or SG, or do you leave them with the volume controls on top and tones on the bottom? Also with the pickups, do you have trouble with them not being parallel to the strings? Does that really affect the sound much in your opinion? Thanks, just trying to learn more about those cool guitars
Dear sir. I really enjoy all your videos and the knowledge and experiences you share. I would love to hear you talk extensively about Rickenbackers and some of the idiosyncrasies they possess. Specifically 6 string iterations. They are such cool guitars aesthetically, but are they more trouble than they are worth? Are they difficult to use in the studio or in a live setting?
Hey Tom,
I’ve noticed that all the CCM guys I’ve met have high dollar compressors on their board and leave them on at all times. Any ideas why? I remember you said you used to play on some CCM records in years past and maybe know why they’re used so much. I’ve never really used one so maybe I’m missing something or making a blunder?
Merry Christmas!
Dear Uncle larry, I only found your homeskoolin’ lessons a couple of weeks ago but I have been furiously going through the older lessons everyday to catch up. Equally amazed by the playing and wisdom you bring to the table. Although I am from Holland myself I have always had a peculiar fondness for aussie bands. Any love from uncle larry for the songsmiths if crowded house or maybe men at work or icehouse? Greetings your devoted student Rene
1959-60 custom telecaster
Dear uncle Larry, i have an early 59-60 tele custom that needs a total rescue/restoration. And the serial number is 49848 stamped on the bottom of the neck plate and I read an article some time ago that suggests
it could be one of the first 20 from 59 don’t if that’s true. You are extremely kind and generous with your time to all of us homeskoolers. Would it be possible to send me a link to someone you trust to bring this old girl back to life she truly deserves it. I could send pics. Anyway been a loyal viewer and subscriber since day one.
Hey Buk, first time writing in the vcb! Haha. I saw u at Bitter End, was hanging with your friend from Florida, we all took a pic afterwards, anyway I’m road tripping down to Nashville for the first time next week to see u at 3rd and Lindsley, I have a small gift I’d like to personally give u, how can I arrange that properly? Thank u for everything u do for us and the endless inspiration in and out our music!
Hey Uncle Larry, HEADS UP…I’ve sent a couple t-shirts to Gruhns with your name on it. I did it before I found your direct mailing address, it won’t happen again. Just keep an eye out as a couple have shipped. There’s also a couple more t-shirts coming for your boys. If you don’t like them no biggie, give them away to someone needy. Cheers…
Tom, I may be losing it but didn’t you post a volume 363 with the goldtop into a Val something amp? I didn’t get to finish, went back and it was gone. Did you take it down? Thanks, Phil Muzio
Durham, CT
Long time Listener, First time caller here…So, I’ve been thinking bout this for some time now and we all have heard of the search for the burst, the one, the grail! The guitar to end all others, blow minds, heads pop off, and everyone bows to the glory that is the ultimate Les Paul. Ok well, let’s be honest, I’ve never played a burst (a real one!) and I’d say its safe to say that most have not And probably never will. I can only imagine from many years being around guitars what that might be like, the neck shape, the vibe, must be glory! That fairy dust that makes the thing ring in your hands with just the acoustic sound it produces. Not to mention what minute that paf was created and planet the magnets were from and the perfectly sized hands the winder had that day and oh, what a beautiful Tuesday it was, when the stars aligned. Etc. utube videos really don’t cut it. There’s lots of chatter, and all matter of possible means to try and recreate such a luscious experience by hot rodding parts to countless recreations to mimic the work of art that the year 1959 produced. There ware under 300 (as most know)of these beasts cut loose into the wild, and of corse as a matter of conspiracy even Gibson doesn’t really know exactly anyway as the page was ripped out of the book mysteriously they say. Joe says this stuff is still out there but for who ? SO, what to do?! Many have come out to achieve the lightning in a bottle. The latest creation of the elves at the Gibson custom shop is the 59 red dot. No need to share the story here you probably know, BUT! The quote that Joe Walsh, told Rev Willy G,” that’s the best guitar in the world!” Now, hold the phone.Is that right? I re read that quote many times, and can’t get it out of my head, not only wishing to be in the dingy backstage greenroom or smoke filled alley where that story was told, but also to hear the rest of any story from those two, especially when those words are spoken, your ears perk up like the RCA dog because YOU KNOW, this dude knows wtf he’s talking about, right! So, how to lay hands on such a masterpiece and see what that is like? Like putting on the shoes of legend, Jordan, or Bo Jackson, Payton, Jerry rice, or Jim Brown or whoever, and there you are on the field preforming with a greatness unseen before, moving with grace and precision that makes heads turn stop and say,”Holy Shit have you ever thought that was possible?!” oh and the sound! Like a blue angle fly over or the stealth bomber, nothing like it! Am I right!? Well, it will only cost about $22k to try those shoes on, (if you can even find one) and they aren’t original or used by the greats, just a copy. No free lunch or a ride home either! An exact copy mind you that only the oompa loopas & Santas elves could recreate, with such accuracy even the scratch from cousin Eddie catching the strap button and putting in the case wrong, or when Thelma threw the keys at it because she was tired of the guitar getting so much attention, or that first windmill scrape, it’s all there the history, the heartbreak, it’s all in there! The fantasy! Just waiting now for some exec to show his bro he got one of the only, 59 made, and how he got Jason to sign it when they flew out to the Ryman the last time. So sick broseph! How cool is that!? ugh. How’s that D chord coming along? You feel me? We’ve all heard this tune before. So how do we mortals get some of that sweet sweet hot sauce to try ourselves and put it all over everything. What is it that we need to do to have a better grip of what that sounds like, feels like, and maybe be able to attain as our own and wrap our dirty blue collar hands on, something a little closer to home, that you won’t have to sell your home for or your soul. Well I’d like to know! Like many I’ve searched the intergoogle for some sort of 59, r9, priced with bunches of 9’s. I just saw a real one for over half a million.Yep…thats why over 22k is such a steal…next! Anyway, I found some really nice looking ones maybe with an artist name attached coolness from the 100’s on down. Now, personaly I could care less about all the exact scrapes and nicks unless it was Duane F’n Allman himself that made them. I would like to be able to have confidence that the decision I made to purchase this dream instrument is as close as I can get without actually preforming a voodoo spell to get some other guys hands in trade for my sol at the crossroads or some crazy shhh. Just that the sound and feel is there for me to paint my masterpiece. Even if it is playing my best Stormy Monday by myself in my basement. So after all the thought bout how to find this mythical creature, I realized I don’t know shit. I mean, I’m a geek, and more than most I know, I’ve played a lot of guitars ,and felt a lot on necks, smoked a lot of grass, and upgraded my pickups, pots, wires, and chased that sound down, stepped on the pedals, oh so many holes hobbits were jealous, but I only have limited resources compared to that conversation about, ‘the best guitar in the world!’ Know what I mean? So who knows???! I really would like to know. Oh!… Fuckin Uncle Larry knows! Shit, I’ll just call him up, tell him I want to find a good Lester with low miles that hums, without breaking the bank or anything else. Then, we’ll jump in the GTO pump up some Steppenwolf and roll down to a couple spots that have it all on the menu and check some git fiddles out and see how close we can get to the real F’n deal! Who cares about the aesthetic too, I mean neck shape and feel is key but otherwise new, used, Gibson,Epi, gold top, flame top, quilted, curly, covers, no covers, zebra, black or white, Grover or Kluson, it doesn’t matter. When you put it on 11 and your heads tilted back with your eyes rolling back into your head and your bending that string just right like prom night, whooo hooo!!! I’m definitely not thinking about if this thing matches my boots, you feel me!? Just knowing I got the vibe the tone and the help from ol’ uncle Larry, is unmatched knowing this is as close as it gets without having Claptons hands. I’d lay down my paycheck and have confidence I made the right choice and the rest is up to me, oh and maybe an amp too? Then I’d be happy!!!
Been mulling that over for a long time. Xmas is cowing up! Gonna go eat leftovers now and see if there’s a new video. Maybe you can breakdown heart of the sunrise finally, haha. Love ya Uncle Larry!
Awesome stuff Uncle Larry!
In one of your videos you had a short discussion about modelers. In this you mentioned something along the lines that for beginners it does not matter. The amp is to amplify the guitar and that is it. You came with the pool stick example. You have a real talent for explaining things in simple terms.
The question: does the same apply for guitars? A basic Mexican made fender versus a custom shop Fender for example? What’s “enough” for that beginner / late beginner?
Hi Tom, why do you like your pickups set so low, as I could see on your LPs and Strats….but it seems not so much at yout Teles and especially not with the P90s you show up in your videos. What´s the advantage of setting them low ? Thx for a reply.
By the way…. keep on ….your “lessons” are just hilariuos and helpful at the same time. Take care Dirk
Hey Tom, Just wanted to let you know how much your advice on not squeezing the s**t out of the neck etc. and playing with freedom has made to me. I think I was so intent not making mistakes (especially if the part was technically a bit beyond my level – most of them are to be honest) that I didn’t realise just how hard I was pressing. It’s only obvious when someone actually points these things out. The difference is night and day now – thanks mate, you are doing a proper job with your channel. Full marks !!!
Hey Tom,
Such a wonderful journey of great tone and music you are blessing us, I am forever grateful, I have become a bit of a plexiholic myself after following you for many years,
Do you use attenuators while playing your plexis at home, if so which one do you prefer for transparent tone?
Wishing you, your family and loved ones a happy new year and good health.
Hi Tom,
Before another year goes by, always been meaning to ask you:
Your good friend Ebo – Is that Eric Borash? Great guitar player from central Minnesota?
Worked at The Bridge of Harmony music store in Brainerd & St. Cloud? Think he used to play with a local band called “Dakota”. I haven’t seen him since the 90’s – Music store owner said he left town to change strings for John Fogerty. Anyway, happy new year to you & your family!!!
hey tom,
i am not much of a comment or response type, but this “voyxu” guy got under my skin.
he’s clearly a troll, a bully, and, let’s put it bluntly, just a fucking cunt.
insulting people is easy, cherry-picking bits and pieces out of someone’s video is easy, providing thoughtful and entertaining content is not.
jason isbell’s story of playing “red eye” and getting lost on his way home is one of my favourite vintage guitar tales ever. because i get it. those of us who have been lucky enough to connect with an instrument that truly engages us will understand. There have been a few times where i have simply wrapped my hand around the neck of a guitar, and it’s like “ohhhhhh, right!” y’know?
it’s probably impossible to quantify, but when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, something happens. (i.e. your burst, or jason’s, or your duesenberg, or a blackface deluxe, or whatever…)
sadly, unknowledgeable trolls like “voyxu” are as plentiful as cheap chinese copies at a guitar centre fire sale.
thank you for sharing your content with us all,
At least Rex Grossman got us to the Super Bowl. Glad Dick Butkus isn’t alive to see this mess .
Fretboard IPA from Blue Ash, Ohio review?
Hi Tom- Thanks for taking the time to take a pic with me at the birthday show.
love to hear your review of the Fretboard IPA . The finest beer made in Blue Ash, Ohio.
Happy belated birthday from downunder. Marshall was awesome. You should be really proud. Dad of the year!
Cheers Anna
Hey Uncle Larry, me and my Fiancé are contemplating having a Nashville wedding, if we do would you officiate it??? I have her approval.
Happy Birthday, Uncle Larry.
I hope you had a great day and night with your friends,loved ones and especially the gig with your son Marshall
I hope this gets to you – Happy Birthday and thank you for all the gifts you have given all of us. Cheers
A question for a Firebird lover. Do you change the orientation of the volume and tone controls on your vintage Firebirds to be like that of a Les Paul or SG, or do you leave them with the volume controls on top and tones on the bottom? Also with the pickups, do you have trouble with them not being parallel to the strings? Does that really affect the sound much in your opinion? Thanks, just trying to learn more about those cool guitars
Dear sir. I really enjoy all your videos and the knowledge and experiences you share. I would love to hear you talk extensively about Rickenbackers and some of the idiosyncrasies they possess. Specifically 6 string iterations. They are such cool guitars aesthetically, but are they more trouble than they are worth? Are they difficult to use in the studio or in a live setting?
Hey Tom! Curious to know your thoughts on John Frusciante.
Hey Tom,
I’ve noticed that all the CCM guys I’ve met have high dollar compressors on their board and leave them on at all times. Any ideas why? I remember you said you used to play on some CCM records in years past and maybe know why they’re used so much. I’ve never really used one so maybe I’m missing something or making a blunder?
Merry Christmas!
You are the best!…thanks for all you do!
Dear Uncle larry, I only found your homeskoolin’ lessons a couple of weeks ago but I have been furiously going through the older lessons everyday to catch up. Equally amazed by the playing and wisdom you bring to the table. Although I am from Holland myself I have always had a peculiar fondness for aussie bands. Any love from uncle larry for the songsmiths if crowded house or maybe men at work or icehouse? Greetings your devoted student Rene
1959-60 custom telecaster
Dear uncle Larry, i have an early 59-60 tele custom that needs a total rescue/restoration. And the serial number is 49848 stamped on the bottom of the neck plate and I read an article some time ago that suggests
it could be one of the first 20 from 59 don’t if that’s true. You are extremely kind and generous with your time to all of us homeskoolers. Would it be possible to send me a link to someone you trust to bring this old girl back to life she truly deserves it. I could send pics. Anyway been a loyal viewer and subscriber since day one.
Thank You
Hey Buk, first time writing in the vcb! Haha. I saw u at Bitter End, was hanging with your friend from Florida, we all took a pic afterwards, anyway I’m road tripping down to Nashville for the first time next week to see u at 3rd and Lindsley, I have a small gift I’d like to personally give u, how can I arrange that properly? Thank u for everything u do for us and the endless inspiration in and out our music!
Hey Uncle Larry, HEADS UP…I’ve sent a couple t-shirts to Gruhns with your name on it. I did it before I found your direct mailing address, it won’t happen again. Just keep an eye out as a couple have shipped. There’s also a couple more t-shirts coming for your boys. If you don’t like them no biggie, give them away to someone needy. Cheers…
If you want to sell the 2nd Senn I’d definitely be interested
Anna (Australia)
Tom, I may be losing it but didn’t you post a volume 363 with the goldtop into a Val something amp? I didn’t get to finish, went back and it was gone. Did you take it down? Thanks, Phil Muzio
Durham, CT
Long time Listener, First time caller here…So, I’ve been thinking bout this for some time now and we all have heard of the search for the burst, the one, the grail! The guitar to end all others, blow minds, heads pop off, and everyone bows to the glory that is the ultimate Les Paul. Ok well, let’s be honest, I’ve never played a burst (a real one!) and I’d say its safe to say that most have not And probably never will. I can only imagine from many years being around guitars what that might be like, the neck shape, the vibe, must be glory! That fairy dust that makes the thing ring in your hands with just the acoustic sound it produces. Not to mention what minute that paf was created and planet the magnets were from and the perfectly sized hands the winder had that day and oh, what a beautiful Tuesday it was, when the stars aligned. Etc. utube videos really don’t cut it. There’s lots of chatter, and all matter of possible means to try and recreate such a luscious experience by hot rodding parts to countless recreations to mimic the work of art that the year 1959 produced. There ware under 300 (as most know)of these beasts cut loose into the wild, and of corse as a matter of conspiracy even Gibson doesn’t really know exactly anyway as the page was ripped out of the book mysteriously they say. Joe says this stuff is still out there but for who ? SO, what to do?! Many have come out to achieve the lightning in a bottle. The latest creation of the elves at the Gibson custom shop is the 59 red dot. No need to share the story here you probably know, BUT! The quote that Joe Walsh, told Rev Willy G,” that’s the best guitar in the world!” Now, hold the phone.Is that right? I re read that quote many times, and can’t get it out of my head, not only wishing to be in the dingy backstage greenroom or smoke filled alley where that story was told, but also to hear the rest of any story from those two, especially when those words are spoken, your ears perk up like the RCA dog because YOU KNOW, this dude knows wtf he’s talking about, right! So, how to lay hands on such a masterpiece and see what that is like? Like putting on the shoes of legend, Jordan, or Bo Jackson, Payton, Jerry rice, or Jim Brown or whoever, and there you are on the field preforming with a greatness unseen before, moving with grace and precision that makes heads turn stop and say,”Holy Shit have you ever thought that was possible?!” oh and the sound! Like a blue angle fly over or the stealth bomber, nothing like it! Am I right!? Well, it will only cost about $22k to try those shoes on, (if you can even find one) and they aren’t original or used by the greats, just a copy. No free lunch or a ride home either! An exact copy mind you that only the oompa loopas & Santas elves could recreate, with such accuracy even the scratch from cousin Eddie catching the strap button and putting in the case wrong, or when Thelma threw the keys at it because she was tired of the guitar getting so much attention, or that first windmill scrape, it’s all there the history, the heartbreak, it’s all in there! The fantasy! Just waiting now for some exec to show his bro he got one of the only, 59 made, and how he got Jason to sign it when they flew out to the Ryman the last time. So sick broseph! How cool is that!? ugh. How’s that D chord coming along? You feel me? We’ve all heard this tune before. So how do we mortals get some of that sweet sweet hot sauce to try ourselves and put it all over everything. What is it that we need to do to have a better grip of what that sounds like, feels like, and maybe be able to attain as our own and wrap our dirty blue collar hands on, something a little closer to home, that you won’t have to sell your home for or your soul. Well I’d like to know! Like many I’ve searched the intergoogle for some sort of 59, r9, priced with bunches of 9’s. I just saw a real one for over half a million.Yep…thats why over 22k is such a steal…next! Anyway, I found some really nice looking ones maybe with an artist name attached coolness from the 100’s on down. Now, personaly I could care less about all the exact scrapes and nicks unless it was Duane F’n Allman himself that made them. I would like to be able to have confidence that the decision I made to purchase this dream instrument is as close as I can get without actually preforming a voodoo spell to get some other guys hands in trade for my sol at the crossroads or some crazy shhh. Just that the sound and feel is there for me to paint my masterpiece. Even if it is playing my best Stormy Monday by myself in my basement. So after all the thought bout how to find this mythical creature, I realized I don’t know shit. I mean, I’m a geek, and more than most I know, I’ve played a lot of guitars ,and felt a lot on necks, smoked a lot of grass, and upgraded my pickups, pots, wires, and chased that sound down, stepped on the pedals, oh so many holes hobbits were jealous, but I only have limited resources compared to that conversation about, ‘the best guitar in the world!’ Know what I mean? So who knows???! I really would like to know. Oh!… Fuckin Uncle Larry knows! Shit, I’ll just call him up, tell him I want to find a good Lester with low miles that hums, without breaking the bank or anything else. Then, we’ll jump in the GTO pump up some Steppenwolf and roll down to a couple spots that have it all on the menu and check some git fiddles out and see how close we can get to the real F’n deal! Who cares about the aesthetic too, I mean neck shape and feel is key but otherwise new, used, Gibson,Epi, gold top, flame top, quilted, curly, covers, no covers, zebra, black or white, Grover or Kluson, it doesn’t matter. When you put it on 11 and your heads tilted back with your eyes rolling back into your head and your bending that string just right like prom night, whooo hooo!!! I’m definitely not thinking about if this thing matches my boots, you feel me!? Just knowing I got the vibe the tone and the help from ol’ uncle Larry, is unmatched knowing this is as close as it gets without having Claptons hands. I’d lay down my paycheck and have confidence I made the right choice and the rest is up to me, oh and maybe an amp too? Then I’d be happy!!!
Been mulling that over for a long time. Xmas is cowing up! Gonna go eat leftovers now and see if there’s a new video. Maybe you can breakdown heart of the sunrise finally, haha. Love ya Uncle Larry!