Ask Uncle Larry – VCB

Ask Larry something, in the VCB box below, with very little chance of a reply….just kiddin’ class!

1,022 thoughts on “Ask Uncle Larry – VCB

  1. Hey Tom!

    You talked about the issue of “Rushing” on the instrument before. Apart from staying calm and relaxed while playing, do you have any specific practices/exercises that you practiced that you could share to improve on this issue?

    This is big problem for me and would really like to improve this segment of my guitar playing!

    Best Regards!

  2. Hello Tom, I hope you’re doing well. A friend of mine, and old bandmate Paul C Torbert contacted me and said you’re looking for a TC Electronics 2290 if you are interested, please reply to my email and I will be more than happy to give you all the information and keep playing on. Mark Connor

  3. Larry, I’m on the hunt for the elusive old gibson acoustic that you speak of so fondly in your videos. Any tips/advice on what to avoid or watch out for? I’ve played a few that I have been enamored with but in both instances, old cruddy repairs scared me off. Wish I’d snagged one of yours the last time you did a homeskool yard sale.


  4. Howdy Uncle Larry, long time viewer, first time VCBer. I’m headed down to Nashville to celebrate my 50th next week. I’ll be in town from the 12th to the 15th and am looking to go check out some acts. Got any directions to point this old lost boy towards? Thanks for all the content man. I truly cherish all the stuff I’ve learned from your channel.

  5. Hi, Uncle Larry. Very much enjoying your channel!
    I just purchased one of your guitars – a ’64 Gibson Melody Maker. You played it in episodes 29 and 49.
    Wondering if you know anything about its history, who might have owned it before you, or was it just something you found and bought on Reverb.
    Thank you in advance for any reply.
    All the best,

  6. Hey Tom.

    Cheers from Kelowna Canada. I just about fell over when I saw your recent episode with the banner J45. I have a banner that looks almost identical, cracks and all. Question…. Mine has a pretty big belly bulge behind the bridge which affects the playability. In your professional opinion, is it worth getting the top fixed or is that beginning of the end for the old girl? Been watching your channel for the past year and in a world of so much online bullshit, you are truly a breath of fresh air. A calming presence among the chaos. Please keep doing what you do! Much respect.

    • show it to the guys at gruhn’s….contact the store and get Tony Nagy’s email…he is the head of repair there

  7. Uncle Larry, I’ve come to appreciate your occasional recommendation to the viewership to go and really listen to a certain song or album you consider great. I’ve never been disappointed by your selections. So tell us, if you were stranded on a desert isle for the remainder of your years and could only have three albums, what would you choose.

    • i would get sick of any 3 albums….i would probably pick some kind of spritual/motivational pod casts instead to get me through my time on the island

  8. Hey Tom. I have a couple pet peeves about some of the new guitar players I see. Wanted to see if you noticed it or had an opinion about it. They are mostly younger guys and some can really play. But first I wanted to say that I love your playing. It’s like I’m listening to new classic riffs and songs that were never released from the 70’s.

    Pet peeve #1- Guitar players that shake their guitar necks to get imaginary vibrato. Especially on acoustic.
    I’ve seen some guitar player’s do it on every note and chord. Once in a while is fine but every chord?

    Pet Peeve #2- Guitar players that are trying to emulate Derek Trucks without a slide.
    Every lick has a half step embellishment.

    That’s all I got. Cheers!

    -Chris W

  9. TOM, if your guy is good,Burgundy Mist, Burgundy Mist, Burgundy Mist Burgundy Mist!!!! although you did mention, Olympic, white heavily aged or yellow, that would be cool. i’ve gone down that rabbit hole so many times …I have a lot of vintage strats and teles and some I have had to refinish them myself. No I wouldn’t be able to do yours…. Burgundy Mist is one of the hardest colors to get right. I’ve refinished a 61 Strat two times Burgundy Mist at still not right…. Make sure your guy has a lot of silver in the color that’s what a true Burgundy Mist color has. It’s a GM color of course you know that Dupont I think.

  10. Hey Tom,

    What are your thoughts on the legacies Homeskoolin’ will leave the next generation(s) of guitar players – and have your expectations changed over the years? Thanks, Sam

  11. I would imagine that in all your years of sessioneering, there have been some real characters in the studio. Players who had various eccentricities, e.g., maybe wearing furry bunny slippers in the studio or having various rituals or maybe even superstitions. I’m sure you could regale us with a few stories like that.

  12. Tom.. do you like the strats with ‘squack’? (hope that doesn’t sound stupid). later 64 and 65ish-ness have that (to me).. wire changed, I believe.. and probably the pole pieces too (but again.. Gilvis would probably slap me and tell me the correct answer LOL). Cheers from Bugtustle!

  13. Dear Uncle Larry,

    How much energy did you spend wishing the Police would reunite after they disbanded in the 80s?

    For 15 years, every journalist asked Sting, Stewart, and Andy about it and they all said never.

    And then… what a time to be alive! What did you think of the reunion tour?

  14. Hi Tom,

    Quick question. Is there any delay pedal that works good in front of a tweed 5e3 type amp? I hear delay when you play your tweed amp, is your evo reverb?

    Greetings from Barcelona

    • The Ebo reverb unit doesn’t do delay (in the sense that a ‘delay pedal’ would do). It is just a tube powered spring reverb unit.. like old ones from fender, marshall, premier, epiphone.. etc… The Ebo unit is really cool as it’s not like the other stand alone spring units.. the ‘dwell’ setting is pre-set.. but it has a ‘drive’ circuit (gain) that the other units don’t. Tom called it ‘life changing’ once lol… after I got mine… I kinda know what he was getting at LOL. Ebo makes 2 versions.. one for just guitar/instrument and one which has those in/outs plus balanced in/outs for studio line level kinda stuff… Check him out, man… world class product there hand made by the man himself.

  15. Hey Tom,

    You heard ‘Prefab Sprout’ before? Seriously incredible songwriting from the 80s. ‘Bonny’ is a killer track. Well worth a spin if you find yourself wanting something “new”.

    Thanks for all you do,

    And go Texans 😉

  16. Hi Tom, I know it’s not the place to talk about that but i don’t find the way to contact you. I live in Spain and I’m planning to go to Nashville. I chose Nashville because of you, and I d really like to see you playing. I m a homeskooler from day one and you helped to go through Covid and to be a better guitarist. So the question is: will you be a Nashville at the end of February and beginning of march? Do you have any gig for these dates, even if it’s not in Nashville? It’s the first time I go to the states and I think the only time I will in my life. So I’d really like to see you at least one time live. Thank you. Even a short answer would be great .

  17. Hey Tom, the octave neck on the EMS-1235 looks like it has an almost concave radius. If that’s the case, did they not bother to radius the little ones back in the day, or is that just age/tension/etc…? Both the regular and octave necks have such a lively/balanced sound. What scenarios would you choose to record with the EMS over something like a 335?

  18. Hi Tom,

    My name is Corban Calhoun.

    I am in the Nashville area.

    Do you give private lessons?

    Have a great day and happy new year.



  19. Hi uncle Larry.. i hope you are well
    quick question ;would you pick a guitar for it’s sound or for it’s playability, you can’t have both and you can’t adjust anything. you have to pick one. which would it be.
    cheers bud

  20. Hi uncle Larry.. i hope you are well
    quick question ;would you pick a guitar for it’s sound or for it’s playability, you can’t have both and you can’t adjust anything. you have to pick one. which would it be.
    cheers bud

  21. Hey, Larry! I’m a little late to the homeskoolin phenomenon. I jumped outta the day job rat race a year ago and went full time with my studio and playing and have more time to discover things on the interwebs. I’m a Columbus, OH boy and recently watched a video where you talk about the guys in Fayrewether. I spent many a geeky, dateless night in the early to mid nineties at the Alrosa Villa seeing them play. World class, incredible shows and musicianship. I hadn’t thought about that for a long time. So, thanks for the wonderful memories. And thanks for sharing all your guitar geekery and studio wisdom!

  22. Dear Uncle Larry
    love the channel (since years) thank you! I always wondered what would be uncle larry’s take on a legendary childhood-dream-guitar, the Ace Frehley Budokhan 3 DiMarzio Les Paul? Also i’m thinkting of buying a “The SG” from a friend, was also wondering, have you ever get your hands on a 1979 “SG Exclusive” looks so cool … sorry, lots of questions 🙂 keep up the good work, still thinking once a week about your factory black les paul deluxe from the premiere guitar video, cheers from Berlin Germany

  23. Hi Uncle Larry, New Dad here.
    I am wondering since you are a dad as well that makes a living with music how did you balanced it out at first? I am only three months in and I am struggling a bit. I am a guitar player and a drummer. I teach lessons, do instrument repair and building, and also play live, and sometimes even on an album or two! I find I do not get any time to enjoy music for myself or even practise like I once could. I feel a little dead inside. Yes I absolutely love my Son but I find myself getting in a depressive state from lack of touching an instrument. How did you manage that when you were a fist time dad? Thank you so much for all the videos that you put up, I have learned a lot from it. Keep on rocking friend.

    Your six string bandit buddy
    _ Michael B

    • I hope this gets a comment from the uncle – and also from other homeskoolers!
      This is not talked about enough. Perhaps some tips sharing would be nice…
      Best to you!

    • the man actually has very little to do in the first year of a child’s life….all you basically do in that first year is go to the store.
      you will start becoming more involved and doing “dad stuff” after the first year and you will enjoy it more..the first year is just getting no sleep, going to the store over and over and feeling dead inside…you’re right on course.

  24. Hey Tom, I stumbled upon your YouTube channel during the initial wave of COVID while I, like everyone else was stuck at home. I remember you had your email available at that time on your blog and I was going to send you an email but kept deciding against it thinking it would just be a waste of your time and why it would even matter etc etc. I watched everything you put out until I got busy when stuff started opening up properly in 2021/2022. I just wanted to say what i was hoping to say back then but with much more relevance today than it had back then. What your videos have done for me not just on a musical level, but on a personal level, i cannot describe. Watching you play, soaking in the info and just generally enjoying some good music and stories, It has helped me through some very difficult times personally. Whenever I’m going through it, watching you and your videos really helps me. Infact i recently started watching your videos voraciously after a gap because i haven’t been the best and once again, its helped me cope with things immensely. You are an amazing person for doing what you do. And i am a better player and person today because of it. If you ever find yourself visiting India cos i know you love the food (from one of your videos) It would be an honour and pleasure to maybe help you travel around here to get the best possible experience. I owe you a lot. Believe me. When i have nothing to look forward to and feel completely done, one or two sessions of watching homeskoolin videos makes me feel alright for a while. Thank you so much for everything. And goes without saying, you’re a damn fine guitar player and musician and are an inspiration to many many people. Also thought id just add this in – I too have ALWAYS used EQs on my board from pretty much the early days of my guitar playing journey. an EQ pedal has NEVER left my board ever since those early days and sometimes i use multiple. Until i saw your videos i never saw anyone use more than one. Guess i wasn’t alone haha.

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