So You Think You’re a Homeskooler? Test Questions 1-10

So, You Think You’re a Homeskooler?

Test Questions 1-10

by Leo “Lidor” Ellis

Take this quick 10 question pop quiz and see if you’re a true Homeskooler or not! No Cheating!

1. What’s the name of the music store that sells the Homeskoolin’ merch?

2. What’s Uncle Larry’s favorite key to play in?

3. Before calling the show, “Homeskoolin'”, what was the other name that almost won instead of Homeskoolin’?

4. In what episode was the very first video edit?

5. What’s the name of the T-shirt brand that Larry absolutely hates?

6. Who was the first ever guest to appear on the Homeskoolin’ show?

7. What was the name of the restaurant that named a sandwich after Larry and what was the sandwich called?

8. If Larry would have never played music, what would he be doing for a living?

9. Who is the one Beatle that Tom played a gig with? Bonus points..where was it?

10. What prog rock bands is Larry really into?
